Monday, December 3, 2007


wow... It's already December, time flies. I've been working at MegaKidz for almost 3 months. Haven't get this blog updated since October. Well, obviously it's because I dun have time to write. my workload in MegaKidz, to me is a lot. I wonder if it is just because of I'm being slow cant cope well or it's really too much. Anyway, cant bother about it anymore cause I don't even have time to think of other things but just work. Understands that everybody was saying "Life like this..." Yeah, life is really like this. Because, I was so stressed out I was complaining to my mom saying that I wanted to quit. Yet when I feel like quitting, I recieved an early confirmation and promotion to be assistant sales & marketing manager. That's why I said, life really like this.

Well, it has come to the third month of working there. Work place politics, to be honest I'm not used to it yet. But what to do, cant avoid. So live with it. Can't please everybody anyway. So, to me it's simple, I deliver my job,that's it. Well, it's really quite a tiring job. But the truth is I learn a lot also. Learn to lead the team. Push my limits, explore my ability. Now I know that I can conduct a training to the staff, I come out with proposals, strategies and plans, decision making, I deal with different ppl, I can coordinate events and promotions. And I know I will explore and excel more along the way. It's really a platform to kick start my marketing career although it's not really in a big organisation. But what is good about is, it's not too big whereby all things need to go through a few tiers and get filter and filter. Direct under the boss, make decision making process faster.

It's really tiring, where a lot of things I need to hand on. But then again, I get to learn more and I know how far can I go. Though now it's really quite a hard time. Hopefully I can gain experience from here, to learn and to grow. As I know to go further, I need a strong foundation, this is a platform where I can build my foundation. It's not easy, to give up life, dun get to enjoy weekends, clubbing and hopefully my sacrifices pay off well. Now I wanted to persue my studies. But i wonder if I have time for that. I wonder if I can cope well, both work and studies. It's abit confusing, if I stop work, I have no income, cannot study. If I dun stop, I dun think I can cope with it for both work and study as my workload is heavy. Do I want to burden myself with that? I'm a bit confused. If I dun study, I'm not going any further. That's my limitation to persue my marketing career.

So, anybody can gimme a wise advise?

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